Texas VHF
Amateur Radio in Texas

TexasVHF.org is on it's way back into action.

Plans are to use this page to promote all things VHF / UHF especially SSB CW and FT8, throughout the State of Texas and bordering states.
Promoting the use of 6m 2m 1.25m 70cm and 1.2 gig.

Please check back soon!!

73 Ben - ne5B

2m SSB Activities in Texas

1PM informal roundtable 2m SSB net 144.210 USB Horizontal prefered but not required. Contact Tim KF5RLL at gmail dot com (Austin Area)
9pm Local Time The RMG net begins on 144.180 MHz More information (Central Texas heard east of Austin)

8pm local time 144.250usb 8pm local heard a net 12/8 SWOT? unable to copy callsigns or more info. Info?

Links Related to VHF/UHF SSB and Weak Signal Operations

Side Winders On Two

C4FM Simple Anyone?

Around the country and in my area of Texas a few of us are monitoring and using 145.5625 as a C4FM simplex frequency.

I often leave my radio in the GM beacon mode

I am in Grid square EM10qa between Brenham and Giddings / La Grange and Columbus with coverage of a large part of Fayette, Lee Washington, Colorado and Austin Counties.

Email me with questions my call @ arrl.net 73 de NE5B

Be sure to visit
the 'Other' Site

This page has been visited 30054 times since 3/12/2010.

Questions comments or complaints about this home page, please send E-mail to Ne5B - Ben Worrell Webmaster


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